Review articles and reviews

By: Huw S. Groucutt

A. Pessina and N.C. Vella (eds), 2021a. Malta and Mediterranean Prehistory: Luigi Maria Ugolini, Politics and Archaeology between the two World Wars. (508 pp.), illustrated. Malta: Midsea Books. ISBN 978-99932-7-758-3

A. Pessina and N.C. Vella (eds), 2021b. Luigi Maria Ugolini’s Malta Antica I: I templineolitici di Tarscien/The Tarxien Neolithic Temples. (524 pp.), illustrated. Malta: Midsea Books. ISBN 978-99932-7-397-4

A. Pessina, N.C. Vella and A. Bugeja (eds), 2021c. Luigi Maria Ugolini’s Malta Antica II: I maggiori templi neolitici e /’ipogeo/The Major Neolithic Temples and the Hypogeum. (252 pp.), illustrated. Malta: Midsea Books. ISBN 978-99932-7-398-1

A. Pessina, N.C. Vella and A. Bugeja (eds), 2021d. Luigi Maria Ugolini’s Malta Antica Ill:Templi neolitici minori e monumenti megalitici/Minor Neolithic Temples and MegalithicMonuments. (158 pp.), illustrated. Malta: Midsea Books. ISBN 978-99932-7-399-8 (hardback €335)

Malta Archaeological Review 2022, issue 13,
Received: 5 Augist 2022 | Published online: 5 December 2022